3 min readMar 17, 2021


Keeping it real at work

Working around people who can’t keep it real is one of the hardest things to do! Almost impossible, this is what I call fake work life. As I said before I work at a convenience store or if you prefer shop. Which happens to be a inconvenience to the workers when you are always being accused of doing something wrong. For example there are women that are headhunters, venom spitters and snakes in the grass, that will tell stories and give extra favors while you are trying to make ends meet with your lousy pay check that you don’t get on time and its never the right amount. While your boss is paying for random girls to get there car fixed you are begging for your pay check that you worked all damn week for. Then when you ask them they assume you are doing something wrong. They begin to watch the camera listening to what people are saying instead of watching their business. For example if they were paying attention they would realize I’m doing every bodies work plus my own. For weeks I did everything behind the counter and out on the floor from moping and sweeping to putting large liquor orders away myself, while dealing with all their headhunters. While I’m at work not only was my car vandalized in there parking lot, by the way which they have cameras but did not see, Nor one of there tiny female friends threatened me with a plastic bat. Come on people! I feel like not one person is real in this place, but I’m the bad guy for speaking the truth I think that makes me more real than anyone in this place.

Not only is this a messed up situation just imagine your feeling a little under the weather and family members come in and ask how you are doing and your employer this professional business man turns too you and asks if you are bringing in hoodies, ghetto people in his store referring to your family, as if his venom spitters are better than anybody. To me he is nothing but community dick. His boneless banana has been in every refrigerator in this area both of my employers have parked there Mack trucks in every dirty garage in this city so, as there in the garage getting there oil changed by some loose spitter I’m busting my ass in the work place trying to take care of everything and keep it in place. Something is seriously wrong with employers who don’t take care of there business while there in the dirty garage I cant wait for there motor to blow from getting bad oil, so I push myself through the day where I’m making shit for money working through a pandemic, by the way they stayed tucked away safe at home while we busted our ass. I can recall them complaining about them having to close early. Seriously people! Its quite sad that their headhunters come in wearing a mask and nothing else I begin to feel like I was working at Walmart I have seen more boobs then I have seen in a life to last me a life time. Its pretty funny how these girls want to fight me while I’m working, but when I’m not I can here crickets, not a word. There not as tough when I’m not at work.

Anyhow I find a way to push my way through working cause in a few short hours I can go home to my loving partner, on our bed full of 8 pillows by the way I only get one which I don’t mind. To find out how my family’s day has gone, there is nothing I would rather do at the end of my day then be with my family at least I know there being true and maybe a night cap to push the work day out of my head. So remember my readers if you have a good night at home it will triumph the bad day. Always remember to laugh and make jokes with the family laughter can help heal, Till next time my readers Thank You.

